Plaid Shirt?

01. September 2016 outdoors, photos 0

Our neighbours across the road have decided to undertake some serious cosmetic surgery on their garden.

The boundary that was highlighted by pine tree saplings, twenty five years ago is now a light defeating wall of wood and pine needles.

Our kindly neighbour’s have decided the trees must go and have offered as much wood as we can haul across the road for our wood store.

I’ve used my opportune weeks holiday to pop over and chop and carry what I can these last few days.

The big challenge was the fallen tree trunks and for that I needed the chain saw with the longest arm. This saw needed a new blade, one was ordered and it came last night.

This morning I trooped across the road with appropriate power tools to make the fallen tree trunks into smaller tree chunks.

And 100 minutes later

This lot will be hauled across to our wood shed over the next few days. In a few years time this supply should keep us warm for most of the winter.

I feel all lumber jack now and I wonder where that plaid shirt is?
