The Tail of a Brush?

24. December 2016 boristhedog, indoors, photos 0

Those of us who have a Labrador dog in the house are well aware of the sweeping power of a dog’s tail.

This tail is designed of course to drive the dog through the water to retrieve sodden Labradorian fisherfolk or downed fowl or in our case swimming for the joy of it.

It only needs a hint of joy or excitement and the internal tail switch is flicked and the sweep brought forth in its left to right or right to left, (the dog could be ambidextrous) action.

Any small objects, cups of tea, toddlers or similar things with a poor centre of gravity are whisked away. It’s the dog equivalent of a domestic tool dispensing clutter and dust with a swish.

Now old Boris is not immune to such domestic applications but he can be confused.

He sees the equipment

 And thinks “I could help! I have a multi-purpose brush, dusting, sweeping, surely painting is easy enough ?”

 No doubt I’ll find the spot, where the indiscriminate brush stroke has been left.
Just after I put the brushes away.