The Walk
The morning came and I looked at the results of the “pitch inspection” – positive news, both local events a bit icy and slippery but going ahead, (at your own risk of course). Just a slight problem. After taking junior to work for the start of his early shift I returned home and decided to crawl back under the covers. No problem with the first part of that plan, the unplanned part was waking up an hour and a half later at 09:00.
Although we start later at 09:30 for parkrun in the frozen north, this didn’t give me enough time to get myself organised at on the start line, so no parkrun for me. An early fail for my 2017 plans to attend parkrun every Saturday this year, either as a pedestrian or a volunteer.
Plan B then – Boris took me for a walk in the woods and we took the camera along.
First we found the scent.
And followed the trail.
I like how the shadows presented imaginary hurdles.
The clear sky shone brightly through the trees.
All very relaxing and a good start to the day.
Parkrun next week then.