You might have read the title with images of “the Wall”, “Walkers” and John Snow spouting the words in his best Northern accent. Nothing to do with “Game of Thrones” more the seasonal reality that winter is coming and firewood will be needed for the stove to keep our toes and Boris’ claws warm, this ...
We all have incorrigible habits, yes even me. One of mine includes a spoon and my sweet tooth. Maybe it started way back in my childhood. Every morning before I ventured out into the Scottish wind and hail, it was the summer. I was given a heaped tablespoon of malt extract to boost my ...
LonDone! Phew, just finished and just a wee post before I fall asleep. ? Firstly thanks to the excellent marshalling & volunteer team ?? So I’m finished and faster than before but a time, not totally sure? There’s some dispute about my swim time, sometime it’s there sometime it’s not ? More later once I’ve ...
“Your safety is important…..” Thank you #thelondontri I feel the hugs. Thunder about and lighting? In order to keep us from auditioning as lightning rods, everything is on hold for 40 minutes. The rain has come and gone so I suspect a more cautious cycle today. Instead of dipping my toes in the water at ...
By this time tomorrow I should have finished my third attempt at the sprint version, (swim 750m, cycle 20km, run – crawl? 5km), of the London Triathlon. I’ve navigated the streets of London on my hired road bike, a very spiffy bike it is too and I’m now back at the hotel. Just before I ...
Today it did not rain, I’ll write that again. It did not rain. It seems as though we’ve had the biblical 40 days and the grass was long and lustrous. All that was missing were the cows and we had pastures that Anchor, Kerrygold and Lurpak would pay handsomely for. So into gardening gear and ...
A “rest” day today had me dodging the Ultra-Violet rays as the 1km out & 300m to go marshal at the Edinburgh parkrun, on Cramond foreshore. The sun made an appearance as did many parkrun tourists who had made the trip north to Scotland’s capital for the Edinburgh half & full marathon events tomorrow. As ...
After a morning spent resting and getting myself organised I trooped off to the starting area for the Helsinki City Run, Half Marathon, for a day that was not to disappoint. I’ll gloss over the initial mistake of sitting at the tram stop on the wrong side of the street, thankfully not an omen for ...
Here we are in the wonderful city of Helsinki to run around parts of the Finnish capital for their half marathon event tomorrow, Saturday the 13th. With most of these large scale events you make the trip to a hall of some kind to pick up your race pack. In Helsinki it was the sports ...
On the trail again with the “parkrun caravan” turning up at Pollok parkrun within the leafy space that is Pollok Park in the South West of Glasgow. For you cultured types the park is the home of the Burrell Collection, but don’t go hoping to be a culture vulture as the collection museum is being ...