Happy Birthday Livingston parkrun

07. January 2017 outdoors, parkrun, photos 0

A bumper parkrun at Livingston today, it was their first anniversary event, so lots of extra folk. Add in the new year resolutioners and the event broke their previous attendance record by ninety to 360.

As the tailrunner today I was that number 360. Not needing to run without stopping I took the opportunity to take some photos.

The Livingston parkrun is basically an out along one side of the River Almond and back the other side using the trail paths alongside the river.

Of course being out on one side of the river you can see the return runners on the other side. I’ve never appreciated that before, as I’m usually fixated on where I put my feet.

At this point the road passes overhead and provides a great echo chamber. Well done to the bloke who returned my

“Oggy, oggy, oggy…”

So along the river, across the bridge and the water below.

And home safe just like the other 359.