Edinburgh parkrun 11/2/17

11. February 2017 outdoors, parkrun, photos, run, video 0

This morning after a recent spate of parkrun wandering and savouring other running fare I decided to return to the Edinburgh variant held on the River Forth foreshore at Cramond. Being on the shore path with nothing stopping the North Sea from chucking all and sundry at the route, you take your climatic chances.

When I got up this morning and peeped through the curtains it looked chilly but that would be expected, no wind here but that’s never a good gauge. So I dressed for the weather and I headed off ready to face the vagaries of the River Forth weather. I’m only now drying and thawing out I hope others took less time to return to normal than me.

We huddled together at the start, the ubiquitous hi-viz running jacket to the fore, although cold water dry suits would have been more appropriate.


The nippy, needle rain drops hit hard.

Will the flags survive?

and from the safety of the car