Blubber, Bananas, Bake!

It’s been a while since I baked anything, it’s definitely more than the six years since my Coeliac Disease diagnosis . I say bake, but it was really in its loosest sense, as I worked with the assistance of a bread making machine. The last bread maker retired a while ago after many years of ...

Just a simple spoonful

We all have incorrigible habits, yes even me. One of mine includes a spoon and my sweet tooth.   Maybe it started way back in my childhood. Every morning before I ventured out into the Scottish wind and hail, it was the summer. I was given a heaped tablespoon of malt extract to boost my ...

It’s that kind of day 

12. February 2017 food, gluten free, indoors, photos 0
Cold front here, wind chill there, meteorologists will use all their experience and expertise to inform  us of the winter chill. Despite all the forecasting and technological wizardry there is the heuristic knowledge that informs you that it’s that kind of day. A cheese on toast in front of the fire day. With the healthy ...

Toffee or Teeth

Santa in the guise of son the elder has for many years brought two bags of treacle toffee to me on Xmas Day. When money was tight it was an easy and relatively inexpensive Christmas gift that provided me with a festive sugar buzz. Money may not be so tight nowadays but the toffee still ...

Gluten Free Fish n Chips

30. October 2016 food, gluten free 0
Although never an everyday, Fish n Chips that staple of British gastronomic life is something that is usually only open to the gluten loving community. We Coeliacs are largely left out of the loop. However on a recent work trip I found myself in Scarborough. I hadn’t been there for many years, the last time ...

Gluten Free Hob Nobs!

27. June 2016 food, gluten free 0
I’ve had my diagnosis of Coeliac Disease for two and a half years now and really there are few things I miss but one of those is a good chocolate biscuit, the sort of biscuit that you can have with your cup of tea, dunking optional. You move on of course from the wheat poisoning type that you used ...