A meditative meander we had this morning, the only thing that was missing was Louis Armstrong providing the soundtrack. I had I had my companion for this morning Nature was in abundance At half way we stopped by the stream And meditated on the day Whilst cooling down And quickly back before the sky turned ...
I’ve had my diagnosis of Coeliac Disease for two and a half years now and really there are few things I miss but one of those is a good chocolate biscuit, the sort of biscuit that you can have with your cup of tea, dunking optional. You move on of course from the wheat poisoning type that you used ...
I feel that my body is like a car, a luxury bespoke vehicle, hand crafted and engineered to the full extent of mother nature’s development. So special are these vehicles that they take approximately nine months from the genesis in design to the final casting when they are pushed or sometimes pulled from the production ...