As a result of work I travel a lot, and on the whole I enjoy it. It gives me the opportunity to see other things, observe how other parts of the United Kingdom work, it gives reality to names on a map. Recently I found myself travelling once again, this time by plane. Of course ...
I’m in Cardiff, the capital of Wales, a lovely place, a city I’ve been to a few times. I’ve ran and walked around a fair bit of it and today I tried another mode of transport. An Elliptigo! I first tried this machine about five years ago and I was hooked, it was ...
Up with the larks this morning to venture across to Musselburgh in East Lothian and the 10km road race held as part of the Scottish festival of running events. The conditions were dry and mild with the heavy-looking clouds thankfully deciding to hold onto the wet stuff for the duration of the morning. The nerves ...
A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to go on a trip to Stockholm in Sweden to participate in the 36th Midnattsloppet 10km road run along with another 39, 999 folks. The race, however was in the late evening and before that we had the morning… and what does one do on a Saturday morning? ...
This morning’s parkrun adventure took me to my 43rd venue, my first in the North East parkrun region of England, a part of the parkrun world that has a bucket load of event’s in a relatively small geographical patch, especially when compared to my home patch of Scotland. Population density I suppose. So up – ...
You might have read the title with images of “the Wall”, “Walkers” and John Snow spouting the words in his best Northern accent. Nothing to do with “Game of Thrones” more the seasonal reality that winter is coming and firewood will be needed for the stove to keep our toes and Boris’ claws warm, this ...
We all have incorrigible habits, yes even me. One of mine includes a spoon and my sweet tooth. Maybe it started way back in my childhood. Every morning before I ventured out into the Scottish wind and hail, it was the summer. I was given a heaped tablespoon of malt extract to boost my ...
Some people like hills, goats they are traversing steep glens and valleys, lolloping up inclines and down dales as if their name was Billy or Nanny. For me hills are those things that need to be done when they need to be done, I’m a fast twitch muscle fibre sort of person and you don’t ...
My weekend of harnessing the inner wee boy who squeels with glee as he zooms down the hill, pedalling harder, moving faster, wind whistling in my ears is sadly over. For someone who is unimpressed by engine cc, mph, combustion engines and general petrol headed-ness I do love human powered speed. I am so lucky ...
LonDone! Phew, just finished and just a wee post before I fall asleep. ? Firstly thanks to the excellent marshalling & volunteer team ?? So I’m finished and faster than before but a time, not totally sure? There’s some dispute about my swim time, sometime it’s there sometime it’s not ? More later once I’ve ...