Hello, welcome to part 2 So the soup is now all smooth and silky in its arable soupy splendour. The final touch was to knock up some cheesy things as an accompaniment. I strayed from the instructions and made a nibble, something more scone like in appearance, akin to American biscuits and with extra cheese. ...
Today it’s wet, chilly and the type of day to stay in and eat soup! So we take some of these Some of this garam masala stuff Chop these And the scalped bits of these And throw all of the chopped pieces into the onions, spice and stock During these stages we’ve been roasting these ...
This isn’t a wee story about the iconic “western”. Today it was the 7th birthday of the Edinburgh variant of parkrun. After a few weeks of feeling under the weather I am now lurgy and mucus free. Is that too much information? I was swithering with phlegm, so you got off likely. Free of lurg ...
Photo’s, like you I’ve taken 1000’s and in this digital age once taken, they sit, generally unseen like some long forgotten artifect in the Indiana Jones repository of important archeological stuff. Like many my phone has become the camera of initial use, the “pocket instamatic” of the 21st Century. However I like the opportunities offered ...
That was the subject line in a recently received email. Initially I was suspicious. Was this an unscrupulous spammer using the seasonal shift for their own ends. Fishing the pond of the gullible, in the hope that they would hook someone in. The hooked in turn would invest their savings into the proposed leaf blowing ...
I was staying in the recently opened Hilton hotel in Bournemouth. One evening I was having an explore and came across the business suite whilst I was looking for the lift. The designer had let their imagination wander a bit and we had a mobile phone wall. Not so interesting as the phones had been ...
September is here and it’ll not be long till Christmas ? I wonder how many of you will have your letter written already? Dear Santa, I have been a very good _ this year and I would like a Filofax _ in the _ size, colour _ please. Yours sincerely A hopeful Filofax owner (Or ...
Boris is on the list this morning, the theatre list. Nope it’s not some hangover from the Edinburgh Fringe and it’s a one dog show about life, the dogaverse and everything. He’s on the vets surgical theatre list for oral surgery, bits needing cut and other bits removed. In the meantime his “relatives” do what ...
Our neighbours across the road have decided to undertake some serious cosmetic surgery on their garden. The boundary that was highlighted by pine tree saplings, twenty five years ago is now a light defeating wall of wood and pine needles. Our kindly neighbour’s have decided the trees must go and have offered as much wood ...
Stumbled across this little beastie on the evening walk with Boris. Do you know if it’s a frog or a toad? What type? To appeal to readers of a Fantasy bent would it turn into a prince or princess if it were kissed?